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Development of a 4-Month-Old Baby

Admin Admin Follow Oct 23, 2023 · 6 mins read
Development of a 4-Month-Old Baby
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Welcome to the time of more conscious movements and actions. Your baby is now 4 months old. By the end of this month, you will better understand that your baby is growing and becoming more of a play baby. Are you ready to learn all the details of this month, from the development of a 4-month-old baby, feeding a 4-month-old baby, sleep schedule, to their visual abilities? Here is the 4-month-old baby development!

4-Month-Old Baby Development Chart

  Girl (average) Boy (average)
4-month-old baby weight 6.1 kg 6.5 kg
4-month-old baby length 61.5 cm 63.5 cm
4-month-old baby head circumference 40.6 cm 41.6 cm
  • In the 4-month-old baby development, the growth rate slows down a bit, but your baby gains around 350-700 grams this month. Remember that every healthy baby may have different heights and weights. By the end of the fourth month, your baby may double their birth weight.
  • The length of a 4-month-old baby increases by about 1.25 cm per month.
  • Your baby’s head and brain continue to develop at the same pace. The head circumference also increases by about 1.25 cm per month.

4-Month-Old Baby’s Sensory Development

4-Month-Old Baby’s Vision

  • In your baby’s fourth month, their visual tracking ability improves. They can watch a bright, colorful object slowly rotating above their head.
  • You may notice that your baby focuses on very small objects like a thread or crumb, and they also show great interest in things in the distance.

4-Month-Old Baby’s Hearing

  • By the fourth month, your baby, when hearing a sound, may not only stop but also turn their head towards the sound.
  • When suddenly introduced to music or rattle sounds, they may turn their eyes in the direction to understand where the sound is coming from.

4-Month-Old Baby’s Cognitive Development

  • Your baby’s brain activity is at its peak during this period. Although words still don’t mean anything to them, they become accustomed to the sounds produced and start experimenting with making these sounds themselves.
  • Good news! You’re in the period when your baby frequently laughs. Now, unusual or funny things might make your baby laugh. In the next few months, you can notice their sense of humor emerging.

4-Month-Old Baby’s Social Development

  • Your baby is starting to show clear signs of recognizing you and other family members.
  • Your baby loves spending time with people now.
  • For older siblings, this is the cuddly period. With their giggles and laughter, 3-4-month-old babies win the hearts of their older siblings.

What Can a 4-Month-Old Baby Do?

Your baby’s skills begin to diversify gradually. By the end of the fourth month, they may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • They can raise their chest with the support of their arms and hands while lying on their stomach.
  • When placed on their stomach, they can lift their head at a 90-degree angle.
  • When propped up with support, they can hold their head up straight.
  • They may attempt to grab toys within reach or nearby.
  • They can laugh out loud.
  • They often try to put their hands and anything they can find into their mouths.
  • They smile more when happy and cry to show their discontent and unhappiness.
  • They may play with their feet for short periods.
  • Rolling over from one side to the other is one of the foundational behaviors of 4-month-old babies. This usually happens when they are lying on their stomach.

What to Consider When Choosing Toys

When choosing toys for a 4-month-old baby, consider the following factors:

  • The toy should not easily break or come apart. If it does, there’s a risk of your baby swallowing small parts.
  • Select toys and items that your baby can grasp, shake, and manipulate to practice their motor skills.
  • Opt for toys that are easy to clean.
  • Choose toys that are larger than your baby’s fist to avoid choking hazards.
  • Avoid toys with strings, which could be a choking hazard.
  • Soft, gentle-sounding toys are recommended, as loud noises can be disturbing to your baby’s hearing.

What You Can Do for Your 4-Month-Old Baby’s Development

Here are some things you can do to support your 4-month-old baby’s development:

  • Observe the movements your baby makes during the fourth month and smile at them. You can talk to your baby about the toys they are playing with and provide information. You can even talk to your baby about what you see around you. This can help speed up language development. Even though they can’t speak yet, they will continue to store everything you say in their head.
  • To support their sensory development, provide toys with different colors and soft, gentle sounds. It’s a great idea to choose soft-sounding rattles, as your baby can easily manipulate them. You can observe their reactions and development by playing with the toy. Moreover, it’s an activity they can do on their own.
  • Turn bath time with your baby into a fun game. Allowing your baby to stay in the water longer can help them enjoy it.
  • When playing with your baby, try to make them smile. Your baby might laugh frequently. It’s a special period in their development when unusual or funny things make them laugh.
  • When your baby begins to learn to sit, you can help support them in sitting up. This helps develop their sense of balance and strengthens their back muscles.
  • You can encourage your baby’s physical and muscle development by doing exercises with them. Moving their body helps with physical and muscle development. For example, while they are lying down, you can place their hands over their head and bring them down. Or you can bend and bring their legs toward their stomach and then pull them back. If your baby becomes fussy, you can try different things.

Feeding Your 4-Month-Old Baby

In the fourth month, the easiest hours to breastfeed your baby are when they are in a sleepy state. If your baby’s height and weight are good for their age and your doctor approves, you should continue with breast milk. Your baby should be fed 4 or 5 times a day.

Important Notes About Your 4-Month-Old Baby

Teething in Your Baby

Your baby may start experiencing teething discomfort this month, so be prepared! It’s important to note that you should not give any solid food to your baby during this time.

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Hi, I am Hanife, the author of HappyMothersLand!