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How to Increase Breast Milk Supply: 8 Steps

Admin Admin Follow Oct 06, 2023 · 3 mins read
How to Increase Breast Milk Supply: 8 Steps
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1. Adjust Breastfeeding Frequency

The first answer to the question of how to increase breast milk supply is to not stop breastfeeding. Breast milk may not come immediately after childbirth. It will gradually come between 1-3 days, and it will increase as the baby breastfeeds. It’s important to breastfeed your newborn as often as they want. In the early days, a frequency of 8-10 times a day is normal. It is recommended to breastfeed the baby every two hours.

At first, the frequency of breastfeeding will be high but the duration of each session will be short because the baby will get tired quickly. As days go by, the frequency will decrease, and the duration will increase. From the third month onwards, the number of breastfeeding sessions will decrease to 4-5 times a day, and by the sixth month, it will be around 3-4 times.

2. Is Your Breast Ready for Breastfeeding?

Being able to breastfeed without pain or discomfort ensures that your baby can latch on more comfortably. Problems such as cracks on the nipple, breast pain, or nipple obstruction can hinder breastfeeding.

Inability to breastfeed or emptying the breast can also reduce milk supply. In such cases, measures should be taken according to the nature of the problem. For example, you can massage the nipple to help it come out or use a breast pump.

Treating cracks with creams is also necessary. Depending on the nature of the problem, seeking professional help may be necessary.

3. Find the Right Breastfeeding Position

Among the methods to increase breast milk supply, the most important is the breastfeeding position. Having the correct breastfeeding position allows the baby to latch on properly, which leads to better milk extraction. Therefore, the stronger the baby latches onto the breast, the more milk is released.

4. Ensure Complete Breast Emptying

One of the most critical factors for increasing milk supply is ensuring that the breast is completely emptied. Therefore, to increase breast milk production:

  • Don’t offer the other breast if one breast hasn’t been completely emptied yet.
  • Start the next breastfeeding session from the breast the baby last nursed from.
  • If the baby can’t completely empty the breast or the milk supply is low, it’s important to express your milk with a breast pump after each feeding.

5. Learn How to Use a Breast Pump

Especially for new mothers wondering how to increase breast milk, the answer can often be found in using a breast pump. When used correctly, a breast pump can assist in increasing breast milk production.

If your baby is unable to breastfeed vigorously, a high-powered breast pump can stimulate milk production effectively.

There may be situations where you shouldn’t breastfeed. You might need to take certain medications while breastfeeding, and your doctor may advise against breastfeeding while on these medications. In such cases, you need to stimulate your body as if you were breastfeeding to maintain milk production.

6. Eat Foods That Boost Milk Supply

During this period, it’s important to eat foods that increase breast milk supply.

7. Get Good and Adequate Sleep

We know, especially in the first days after childbirth, this may not be very possible, so we’ll say sleep as much as you can. It’s recommended that you sleep while your baby is sleeping. Try to avoid doing household chores, even small ones, during this period. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your friends or family members.

8. Stay Calm

Adjusting to a new life is undoubtedly not easy. Moreover, everyone who enters and exits your home may have an opinion, such as “Ayşe’s daughter-in-law has plenty of milk because she drinks a lot of compote.” Comments from the environment like these might be discouraging.

Please don’t let such comments affect you. It happens to every new mother in our culture.

Try to focus on things that make you feel good. Listening to some beautiful music, reading a book for a while, or having a warm coffee with your friends are things that can make you feel good. You can allocate a few hours a week to these activities.

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Written by Admin
Hi, I am Hanife, the author of HappyMothersLand!